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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

October 26, 2019


October is Economic and Community Development Month

11/1 Rodney Mims Cook, The National Monuments Foundation
11/8 PDG Cheryl Greenway and Jeannette Prince, The Rotary Foundation
11/15 No meeting
11/22 Club Assembly

Our Rotary Family

10/7 Mike Parks
10/11 Larry Hart
10/12 Luis Cazares N.
10/13 Mike Shortal
10/22 Teak Pacetti, Jr.
10/24 Bill Woulfin


10/2 Ed Godshall (11)
10/10 Lorri Christopher (38)
10/12 Gary Lane (11)
10/25 Dottie Toney (5)
10/31 Bill Kelly, Jr. (32)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

Service Opportunities
Three Time Sensitive Ways You Can Help

We are sending out a special Saturday issue of the bulletin because we have three ways you can help the community just this week!

Service Opportunity
Thanksgiving Baskets for Kingsley Elementary Families - How You Can Help

For the last few years, the Rotary Club of Dunwoody has helped Anita Augello with a project to provide Thanksgiving "baskets" for 75 families at Kingsley Elementary in Dunwoody. This year, we have a District Grant from the Rotary Foundation to buy turkeys for the baskets. In addition, we are asking your help to add two items to those baskets - oatmeal and peanut butter. The community will add other items and the students at Kingsley join in this service opportunity by packing the boxes.

This coming Friday, November 1, it would be great if every member would bring either:

  • Two round tan boxes of oatmeal (this is the most nourishing and the most sustainable item because it can be made with water, in lack of milk, and it fills a hungry stomach) and/or
  • A large jar of creamy peanut butter.

Service Opportunity
Vote to Support Dunwoody Policy K9 Unit

The Dunwoody Police Department is looking for help from the community to secure its chance for grant money toward a new K9 unit. $16,500 in grants will be awarded to law enforcement agencies, and only the seven top vote-getting agencies in the U.S. will receive the grant. Grant winners will be determined by popular vote, so vote and share on your social media outlets!

Here’s how to vote:
Between now and on Nov. 3 at 11:59 p.m.
1. Visit https://woobox.com/y27ioa/gallery/vhXuR8jQD6M
2. Follow prompts to exit Facebook
3. Enter your first and last name along with your email address, check box and Vote!
NOTE: You can vote every 24 hours before Nov. 3!

Support Dunwoody Police Foundation
One More Week to Buy Pizza and Help Police!

From now until Thursday, October 31, you can still buy a Special "Momma's Pizza" at Charlie Augello's E. 48th Street Market and the Market will

donate $3.00 to the Dunwoody Police Foundation, Inc., . The Market’s unique 16” square “Momma’s Pizza” is available in Cheese, Veggie and White options. Choose to add your favorite toppings, including pepperoni, hot peppers, meatball, veggie and more. Eat – IN or take out. Call your order in advance. Your pizza will be ready in less than 20 minutes. [more]
