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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

June 24, 2020


June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/26 No Friday Meeting
7/3 No Friday Meeting - Happy Fourth of July Weekend!
7/10 Installation of Officers and Directors ... Dunwoody Country Club
7/17 No Friday Meeting - instead consider joining us for Thursday Thursday live!

Our Rotary Family

6/2 Gary Lane
6/9 Helen Sempira
6/11 Russell Reams, DBA, Jr.
6/21 Patti Bunker
6/25 Hoshi Daruwalla
6/26 Jeff Hanson
6/30 Deb Cameron


6/4 Andrew Kaiser (15)
6/7 George Stewart, Jr. (12)
6/15 Chris Gutschenritter (46)
6/17 Carter Stout (25)
6/21 Susan Schwall (40)
6/23 Dr. John E. Carr (47)
6/24 Charlie Augello (59)
6/24 Ardy Bastien (124)
6/27 Dabney Daniel (12)
6/27 Kathy Brandt (12)
6/27 Fred Brandt (12)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Cathie Brumfield
President-Elect Ardy Bastien
Treasurer Jeannette Jezerinac-Prince
Secretary Jennifer Bowler
Membership Fred Brandt
Foundation Bill Mulkey
Public Image Jackie Cuthbert

No Meeting This Week
Mark Your Calendars for July

We will not be meeting this Friday or next - but plan to be back in person at the Dunwoody Country Club on July 10 to install Ardy and his Board, and on Thursday, July 16 at the Country Club to celebrate the great year we have had with President Cathie and her team. You can read below about how we plan to come back live and about how the District recognized our work at last week's District 6900 awards celebration. 

Celebrating Us!
Dunwoody Captures Best Club of the Year and the Decade (2011-20) Titles

At District 6900's celebration event last Saturday, our club was recognized as Category III's Club of the Year and Club of the Decade! Congratulations to everyone who helped make this happen. Special thanks to the Club Presidents who led us in this decade - Sidney Browning, Laura Kann, Susan Schwall, Harvey Rosenzweig, Scott Jennings, Lorri Christopher, Tina Philpott, Rick Otness, Rick Woods and Cathie Brumfield.  The District has recognized Clubs of the Decade for three decades now - and Dunwoody captured the banner for all three decades!

Future Meeting Plans
What Early to Mid-July Will Look Like for the Rotary Club of Dunwoody

President Cathie, President-Elect Ardy and your Board of Directors have been carefully considering our plans for the immediate future. While most if not all of us miss the opportunity to get together face-to-face, we are 100% committed to doing that safely. Here's what we're thinking for the next few weeks:

  • Our next regular meeting will be July 10 - and we will hold it in person at the Dunwoody Country Club. Ardy and our officers and directors will be installed for the new Rotary Year - and we plan to welcome our three new members who have joined during the pandemic. DCC is the only place that can accommodate us right now with the social distancing we think makes it safer for us to meet in person. We will require masks - and will have masks and hand sanitizer available. The Country Club will take temperatures at the front door - anyone with a temperature of 100 or more will be asked to leave. DCC staff (with masks and gloves) will provide cafeteria style food service and pre-rolled silverware, water and such will be available at DCC-manned stations in the meeting room. There will be plexi-glass shields between you and food servers.
  • Our next Thirsty Thursday - on July 16 - will also be at the Dunwoody Country Club. This will be our year-end celebration, and President Cathie will present awards for the 2019-20 Rotary year. We'll be back with more details - just know that all the same precautions described above will be in place for the July 16 event.
  • Our July 24 meeting is also likely to be at the Dunwoody Country Club - a breakfast meeting with Police Chief Billy Grogan as our speaker.

You will be receiving a meeting invitation for our July 10 meeting - we'd like everyone to respond so we have an idea of how many people are ready to join us for in-person meetings. We will also be reaching out to everyone by telephone in the next week or so and may send a short, online survey to gather your thoughts about getting back together. We recognize that this is an individual decision for everyone - and that people are in different places with regard to how quickly we move out of "shelter in place." We would like to hear your concerns and ideas, and are ready to try to answer any questions you may have.

We are also exploring the possibility of keeping a Zoom option for attending in place for those who aren't yet ready for in-person meetings and will keep you posted on our progress.

Congratulations to Kathy Brandt!

The Rotary Foundation recognizes a special group of Rotarians around the world each year for their active service on behalf of the Foundation. A Rotary district may nominate one person to receive the Rotary Foundation Citation for Meritorious Service. It does not recognize giving, but actual personal service to the Foundation for a long period of time. It is the second highest award you may receive from The Rotary Foundation. And to be eligible to receive the highest Foundation honor, you must have received the Citation for Meritorious Service.

This year, District 6900 nominated our own Kathleen Brandt to receive this high honor from The Rotary Foundation for her many years of work on the Global Grant Scholar program. The program focuses on finding scholars who will make a long-term difference in the world.

Kathy has served on the district scholarship committee for 11 years - as Chair since the 2011-12 Rotary year.

Celebrating Us!
District Honors Dunwoody and Our Rotarians

District 6900 recognized our club and club members with many awards:

  • President Cathie and Jackie Cuthbert received District Service Above Self awards
  • Jackie also received the Frank E. Bentley Leadership Award for her long-time support of  the Georgia Rotary Student Program, as a host family, trustee and most recently as chair of the GRSP Pilot Program committee exploring new ways for sponsoring students in the future
  • The club was runner-up in our category for Total Foundation Giving and Per Capita Giving ... donating $12,450 in total for the year and $172.93 per capita - thanks to PDG Bill Mulkey for always inspiring our giving
  • The club received an award for Best Membership Retention ... thanks to Membership Chairs Fred Brandt and Hoshi Daruwalla
  • Dunwoody claimed the Best International Service Project award for our Alzheimer's project in Italy ... thanks to Louise Barden for her  leadership
  • We were runner-up for Best Community Service Project ... thanks to Kobelah Bennah and all of you who worked to make a difference in the community
  • The club received the Best Club Administration award ... thanks to Ed Holliday and his team
  • We also received an award for Best Attendance at last Saturday's event.

Thanks for Serving
Newest Member Joins the Bounds Garden Crew

When we gathered last Saturday for Bounds Garden clean-up, we had a new gardener in our midst - Peyton Abrams-Graham, our newest member. She was joined by Hoshi Daruwalla, Rick Otness, Freddy, and of course, Chief Ranger Fred Bounds. Watch for postings from Ranger Fred on future gatherings at our traffic island across from the Dunwoody Library.

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