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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

May 15, 2024


May is Youth Service Month

5/24 General Meeting - Dan Gertsacov
5/31 General Meeting - Jay Vinicki, City of Dunwoody
6/7 General Meeting - Special Topic TBD by Jack Sparks
6/14 General Meeting

Our Rotary Family

5/4 Lorri Christopher
5/20 Tina Philpot


5/4 Jennie Stipick (16)
5/11 Hoshi Daruwalla (16)
5/28 Bob O'Brien (47)
5/28 Matthew Johnson (13)
5/29 Terence Shortal (128)

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
AC Hotel Atlanta Perimeter - Bar Peri
40 Perimeter Center Pl NE
Atlanta, GA , GA 30346



President Jack Sparks, Jr.
President-Elect Louise Barden
President Nominee Matthew Johnson
Immediate PP Jennifer Shumway
Vice President Louise Barden
Treasurer Carter Stout
Secretary Dave Burr

No Meeting This Friday
Join Us for Thirsty Thursday at Culinary Dropout

Join us on Thursday, May 16 at Culinary Dropout, 1231 Ashford Crossing, Building 900, Dunwoody - very close to Ashford Lane! Our reservation is in Charlie Augello's name and festivities begin at 5:30 pm. Come on out for some fun and fellowship after a hard week's work at the Dunwoody Arts Festival and our FORE! the Memories Golf Tournament.

Thank You for Your Service
You Helped Make the Dunwoody Arts Festival a Great Event!

It was, indeed, a pleasure to serve with you last weekend, as Dunwoody Rotarians, families and friends helped make the 14th annual Dunwoody Art Festival a winning community event.  With your help, Dunwoody Village was transformed into a vibrant artist market filled with fun and creativity.  The Sunday night team bid farewell to our artist friends while facilitating an orderly exit, returning Dunwoody Village to its familiar surroundings as a meeting place for businesses and residents.  Rotarians at the RCD exhibit greeted the public, telling the Rotary story, inviting many to consider ways to put Rotary in their lives.  Together, you helped the artists and enhanced community awareness of Rotary.

A special thanks to Erin Myersbeck, recipient of the Rotary Youth Exchange scholarship.  Erin helped artists with set-up on Friday night and, on Saturday, promoted Rotary Youth Exchange to the community at the RCD exhibit. Representing Atlanta Rotaract, Bram Altunian returned for the second year to help with Sunday night festival breakdown. Special thanks go to Jennifer Shumway for bringing coffee and treats to early Saturday morning volunteers. So much appreciated, Jennifer!

The festival organizers had this to say, "To the Dunwoody Rotary Club (led by Kathy Brandt), you are truly the Dream Team.  You help every spring, and we consider you family. It’s always so comforting to see you on Friday night and early Saturday morning – we know that you have everyone’s back."

Save the Date!
Join in Our 40th Anniversary Celebration - June 20

The Rotary Club of Dunwoody has just turned 40 years old - and we are planning to celebrate at our end of year gala on June 20. More details will follow soon but we wanted to ask your help now to identify Dunwoody Rotary alumni and extend an invitation for them to attend this special event. Please forward names and email addresses for any Dunwoody alumni to Matthew Johnson now. Watch for more in the weeks to come. 

Fellowship Opportunity
Dinner and a Play Anyone?

We have two new opportunities for fun and fellowship, and we hope you will join in:

  • June 1: dinner at Petite Violettes on Claremont at 6 pm - please confirm supper attendance with Sherry Levy who will make reservations.
  • June 15: dinner at Dominick’s in Lawrenceville at 5:30 pm, followed by a play - "Sister Act" - at the Aurora at 8 pm. You can give your dinner reservation to Sherry Levy, and buy your theater tickets online.  Save $10 with HABIT code   Everyone buys their own tickets. The Bardens have tickets in row C of orchestra.

Service and Fellowship
Start the Rotary Year Right with the Dunwoody Fourth of July Celebration!

Plan to join the Dunwoody Family of Rotary for our "New Year's Celebration" on  July 4 - where will marching in the Dunwoody Fourth of July parade and serve up hot dogs - just as we have for most of the last 30 years!

Questions about how you can help? Contact Louise Barden or Ed Holliday. And watch for more information here as the date gets closer!

Come and bring your family for a day of fun and fellowship!
