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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"


Club Calendar

June is Rotary Fellowships Month

6/15 No Meeting because of Social on 6/14
6/22 Club Assembly - Place to be determined 1st week of June
6/29 Induction of 2018-2019 Leadership Team - Venue TBD

Our Rotary Family

6/2 Gary Lane
6/9 Helen Sempira
6/12 Jeffrey Priluck
6/14 Gijs Korremans
6/21 Patti Bunker
6/25 Hoshi Daruwalla
6/27 Lang Wooddy
6/28 Russell Reams
6/30 Deb Cameron


6/24 Ardy Bastien
6/2 Jackie Cuthbert
6/17 Carter Stout
6/4 Andrew Kaiser
6/7 George Stewart, Jr.
6/15 Chris Gutschenritter
6/21 Susan Schwall
6/22 John Hall
6/23 John Carr
6/27 Dabney Daniel
6/27 Kathy Brandt
6/27 Fred Brandt
6/24 Charlie Augello

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
The Westin Atlanta Perimeter North H
7 Concourse Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30328

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs April 25, 1984
Active Membership: 89 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Rick Otness
President-Elect Rick Woods
Secretary Mike Parks
Treasurer Lawrence Domenico

Topic: Atlanta Rotaract
SPEAKER THIS WEEK: Alisha Rodriguez

Alisha is a Sales Manager for Global Experience Specialists (GES), a live event service provider. She began working for the company in 2013 as a Sales Intern, in Orlando, after graduating from the University of Central Florida. Five months later, Alisha received a promotion to Sales Manager and moved to Atlanta.

While GES handles many types of events, Alisha specializes in both corporate and association trade shows. Last year, she had the pleasure of working with one of the largest North American trade show launches, of the year, with over 370,000 net square feet of exhibit space.

Originally from Texas, Alisha eventually found home in Atlanta, Georgia. When she relocated due to the promotion with GES, she did not know anyone. She eventually found the Rotaract Club of Atlanta in her search for friends in a new city and officially became a member in 2014. She has since been actively involved in the club including being a member of the board in 2015.

Currently she is the President of the club which currently has 14 due paying members. In her spare time she enjoys walking her dog Buster on the beltline and teaching ESL for La Amistad in Marietta.


Mark your calendar and join fellow Dunwoody Rotarians for a Thursday night cocktail party/reception at the Dunwoody Country Club! The party begins at 7:00 pm and will include hors d’oeuvres with the first drink on the Club. Come on your own or bring your spouse/partner to celebrate this year under President Rick Otness, enjoy fellowship with the Dunwoody Family of Rotary, and talk about opportunities to serve/have fun in the 2018-19 year with Rick Woods as our president.
The event is designed to be informal – with plenty of time to mingle with friends. You’ll also have an opportunity to visit tables/displays for each of our major focus areas. Directors and committee chairs will be on hand to hear your ideas and share some of the good things we have planned for the coming Rotary year. It’s a great opportunity for you to see what’s planned, get your questions answered, and express your ideas about the types of service the Rotary Club of Dunwoody should be considering for the future.
We’ll take a few minutes at the end of the event to honor this year’s Rotary Foundation donors and Club “All Stars,” and plan to have you on your way by 8:30 pm or so.
There will be no regular meeting on Friday, June 15.
Please RSVP to Cathie Brumfield at cbrumfield@magnoliafinancial.com


Fuego, about 40km (25 miles) south-west of the capital Guatemala City, spewed rock, gas and ash into the sky.

Fast-moving flows hit villages, killing people inside their homes.

Guatemala's most violent volcanic eruption in more than a century has killed 62 people, officials say.

Dozens more are missing, the country's disaster agency says, and it is feared the death toll could rise.

Villages on the slopes of Fuego volcano were buried in volcanic ash, mud and rocks during Sunday's 16-hour eruption.

Pyroclastic flows, which are fast-moving mixtures of very hot gas and volcanic matter, rushed down the mountainside and engulfed villages.

Other towns affected include Alotenango and San Miguel Los Lotes. Rescuers are still trying to reach a number of villages.

Temporary shelters have been set up for about 3,000 residents who have been evacuated.

A total of about 1.7 million people have been affected in four regions. The country's main airport has now reopened.

​RCD is looking for host families

Hosting an exchange student can be incredibly rewarding for your family, bringing an international experience directly into your home. Host families provide room and board and share their lives with exchange students, involving them in family, community, and cultural activities. The RCD is looking for host families for our inbound student for next year, Mink from Thailand.

If you’re willing to experience one of the largest programs in Rotary by sharing your home and learning about a new culture, or you know a family that would be interested, contact Mike Parks, Dottie Toney-Ransom, Tania Lopez, or Jennie Stipick.

What are the responsibilities of a host family?
To accept the exchange student as a new member of your family. The student will be governed not only by the rules of the program but by the rules of your household. You are responsible for the safety of the exchange student the same as for your own children. Although you might become a bit more of the soccer mom or dad for normal everyday activities, it is not your responsibility to act as a taxi service or a tour guide. Rotarians for the hosting club will be helping in these areas.

You can find more information about being a host family in http://www.ryeflorida.org/host-family


Send your Newsletter submission to:


Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:

·Speaker bio

·New Member Name(s)

·Featured article(s) (regarding events, service projects, or on-going topics general club administrative items, etc..).

·Foundation initiatives or other topics of interest to Members and with value for our Club archives.

·Announcements (seeking volunteers, advertising service projects, etc.)

·For Your Calendar (Club and other activities we encourage members and/or their spouses to attend, including Family of Rotary events

·Member News (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, Caring Hands)

Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:

·Title of your article

·Description of the activity

·Dates, Time, Location, deadline, etc... (especially for upcoming events)

·Key Points of Contact Information and/or a link to reference website for details

·Names and/or headcount of Rotarians (and others) participating,

·The reaction of those benefiting and the numbers of those benefiting.


Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Thank you!
Tania López

