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"The Friendly Breakfast Club"

August 3, 2018

Club Calendar

August is Membership and New Club Development Month

8/10 Charles Shapiro, World Affairs Council
8/17 Taifa Butler, Ga Budget & Policy Institute
8/24 Connie Sizemore, CAR-T Immunology
8/31 No Meeting

Our Rotary Family

8/2 George Stewart, Jr.
8/4 William Thiele
8/14 Cathie Brumfield
8/15 Jack Francisco
8/17 Charlie Augello
8/17 Anne Hayden
8/23 Andrew Kaiser
8/30 Bob Freeman


8/2 William Grogan
8/3 Deb Cameron
8/9 Terry Nall
8/12 Marion Bunch
8/29 Buzz Law
8/31 Rick Woods

Rotary Online



Fridays, 7:15 am
Fleming's Steakhouse
4501 Olde Perimeter Way
Dunwoody, GA 30346

Sponsored by the Rotary Club of Sandy Springs April 25, 1984
Active Membership: 87 FacebookTwitterInstagram


President Rick Woods
President-Elect Cathie Brumfield
Treasurer Ron Barden
Secretary Ardy Bastien
Membership Chair Bob Freeman
Foundation Chair Bill Mulkey
Bulletin Editor Tania Lopez

SPEAKER THIS WEEK: Ricardo Grave de Peralta

This week's speaker is Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Atlanta FBI, Ricardo Grave de Peralta.

Mr. Grave de Peralta entered on duty as a Special Agent with the FBI in May 1998. From September 1998 to March 2004 Mr. Grave de Peralta was assigned to the Washington Field Division, where he worked Counterintelligence investigations and was a member of the division's SWAT team. From July 2003 to March 2004, Mr. Grave de Peralta was the acting Supervisor for squad CI-3.

From October 2001 to July 2003, Mr. Grave de Peralta was assigned to the 9/11 PENTBOM Investigation. During this assignment he served seven months at the naval facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba focused on special interrogation projects relating to the 9/11 attacks. In March 2004, Mr. Grave de Peralta was promoted to Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) in the Counterterrorism Division, International Terrorism Operations Section I, where he served as the program manager for Al Qaeda investigations in the San Diego, Sacramento and Las Vegas Divisions.

In May 2007, Mr. Grave de Peralta was promoted to Unit Chief in the Terrorist Financial Operations Section. Significant accomplishments include a joint international initiative resulting in hundreds of blocks of financial transactions destined to directly fund terrorist operations; The identification of a U.S based Hamas procurement network; Convictions in the Holy Land Foundation trial; The disruption and asset forfeiture of the Iranian Alavi Foundation in New York totaling more than $500 million.

In 2007, Mr. Grave de Peralta became a Certified Intelligence Officer, and successfully served as the Deputy On-Scene Commander for FBI operations in Afghanistan in 2008. From May 2009 to January 2012, Mr. Grave de Peralta was assigned to Legal Attaché Office in Canberra, Australia where he worked national security matters with the Intelligence Services and Federal/State Law Enforcement agencies for key U.S. allies in Australia and New Zealand.

From February 2012 to November 2014, Mr. Grave de Peralta was selected as the SSA for the Atlanta Joint Terrorism Task Force and Counterterrorism Program Coordinator. During this period, he led a 25-man Task Force and saw several counterterrorism investigations to a positive resolution. In November 2014, Mr. Grave de Peralta was promoted to his current position as the Assistant Special Agent in Charge (ASAC) for the National Security Branch which consists of the Counterintelligence, Cyber and Counterterrorism Programs for the FBI Atlanta Division.

Mr. Grave de Peralta is a graduate of the University Of Rhode Island School of Business receiving his bachelor’s degree in Accounting/Finance in May 1989. In March 2010 he completed his thesis and obtained his master’s degree in Homeland Security and National Security Studies from the Naval Postgraduate School. Mr. Grave de Peralta served as a Naval Special Warfare Officer with SEAL Team EIGHT, SEAL Team FOUR, The Navy Parachute Team and Naval Special Warfare Group TWO while on active duty. He retired as a Commander from the Naval Reserve in February 2010. He is the recipient of the 2008 FBI Director's Award for Special Achievement

Mr. Grave de Peralta is married to Tiffany (U.S. Navy, Retired) and has two sons Kellen and Evan.Page Contenta


Last Friday we had the pleasure to induct two new members to our club:

Kobelah Bennah (sponsored by George Stewart), he's a Para Legal working for Ugwonali Law Group.

Todd Galanti (sponsored by Jennie Springer), he's warehouse manager of Costco.

Congratulations and thank you for signing up and committing with the Rotary Club of Dunwoody!

Please give them a warm welcome and introduce your selves.

​The BBQ needs your help

Two quick asks of each member. The Community BBQ Contest and Festival needs every member to do the following:

·At next week's meeting, please take 100 of the new "save the date" cards for the Community BBQ, and hand them out during the coming week. Concentrate on organizations with which you have a relationship. Some places that may work (in addition to your friends and where you work):
- Churches/temples/mosques (the BBQ will be a family event)
- Elementary and middle school offices (there will be a Kids Que event for children under the age of 15)
- Hardware stores (they sell Grills)
- Cleaners (high repeat traffic areas)
- Coffee places (Starbucks, Dunkin' Donuts, Crema, etc.)
- High traffic restaurants

·At next week's meeting takes two Decal magnets (one for each of your family's vehicles), and attach them to your family's vehicles from Friday (08/10/18) thru 09/08/18. We want to generate interest and having 200 cars in the area advertising the event, should help to build awareness.
Finally, does any member own a Recreational Vehicle (RV) that the Club could use on Friday and Saturday (9/07/18 & 07/08/18)? We need an office during the Community BBQ Contest and Festival, preferably one that can be locked. If you have access to an RV and would be willing to let the Club use it, please contact:

Rick Otness ( otness_r@mindspring.com ).


By Louise Barden

“Friends of disabled adults and children”
For the second year, RCD has participated in the FIDAC drive to collect no longer needed medical equipment and supplies. RCD MEMBERS. Lorri Christopher, Rick Otness, Rick Woods, Jan Gross, Louise Barden , Jeff Rosen, Erich Schuetz, Russel Reams, Matt Carother participated in a FODAC event on 7/28 organized by N Atlanta Club. participating clubs, included N Atlanta, Tucker, Decatur, S Dekalb, Stone Mountain and N Atlanta Rotaract.
Five years of Collection Drives yielded over $636,000 of equipment that was refurbished by FODAC and distributed to individuals in need of wheelchairs, hospital beds, walkers, other medical equipment. The anticipated value of this year’s drive is over $250,000.
On display was the DISTRICT AWARD for outstanding Service Project 2017-2018 for N Atlanta’s and other clubs’ efforts to collect no longer needed medical equipment and supplies.

Our Youth Students, Mink arrived!

Rotary Club of Dunwoody is going to be hosting a Student from Thailand Mink , who just arrived! We are excited to meet her and share with her this experience! And we are still looking for host families who want to share this awesome experience for 90 days.

Hosting an exchange student can be incredibly rewarding for your family, bringing an international experience directly into your home. Host families provide room and board and share their lives with exchange students, involving them in family, community, and cultural activities. The RCD is looking for host families for our inbound student for next year, Mink from Thailand.

If you’re willing to experience one of the largest programs in Rotary by sharing your home and learning about a new culture, or you know a family that would be interested, contact Mike Parks, Dottie Toney-Ransom, Tania Lopez, or Jennie Stipick.

What are the responsibilities of a host family?
To accept the exchange student as a new member of your family. The student will be governed not only by the rules of the program but by the rules of your household. You are responsible for the safety of the exchange student the same as for your own children. Although you might become a bit more of the soccer mom or dad for normal everyday activities, it is not your responsibility to act as a taxi service or a tour guide. Rotarians for the hosting club will be helping in these areas.

You can find more information about being a host family in http://www.ryeflorida.org/host-family


Please, follow the instructions and share our BBQ CONTEST info through social media. THANKS!



Send your Newsletter submission to:


Our Club's Weekly Newsletter typically consists of:

·Speaker bio

·New Member Name(s)

·Featured article(s) (regarding events, service projects, or on-going topics general club administrative items, etc..).

·Foundation initiatives or other topics of interest to Members and with value for our Club archives.

·Announcements (seeking volunteers, advertising service projects, etc.)

·For Your Calendar (Club and other activities we encourage members and/or their spouses to attend, including Family of Rotary events

·Member News (birthdays, anniversaries, accomplishments, Caring Hands)

Please keep in mind key components to include with your submission:

·Title of your article

·Description of the activity

·Dates, Time, Location, deadline, etc... (especially for upcoming events)

·Key Points of Contact Information and/or a link to reference website for details

·Names and/or headcount of Rotarians (and others) participating,

·The reaction of those benefiting and the numbers of those benefiting.


Please also tell me the number of weeks would you like the article published.
Finally, the deadline for articles to run in the current week are Mondays by 5 p.m.

If you have any questions feel free to ask me!

Thank you!
Tania López

