About Our Club

Each year, our club completes at least six major service projects for the local community and one major international project. We are best known throughout the county for building handicap ramps for those neighbors, who cannot afford them.

Through weekly our “Happy Dollars” sessions, members provide news of local events and accomplishments by paying $1.00 for each announcement. Happy Dollars support our college scholarship programs for Harris County students. The “Spin For Dollars” game also a weekly event adds to our student scholarship fund.

Weekly meetings feature talks by prominent business,state,and local leaders or entertainers. Our most popular programs feature members telling their own life stories. All speakers are awarded with a certificate signifying that a donation is made in their names to the Ferst Foundation For Childhood Literacy. Our Club is a funding partner of Ferst Foundation. This foundation provides a new book every month to every Harris County child from birth to age five. Every member of our Club acknowledges that being a Rotarian requires a commitment of time, funds, and effort whether helping with GED programs, the Food Bank, or the support of local fund raising events like the "Wheels of Fire".

Each year, our Club partners with other clubs in District 6900 to fulfill a project requested by a Club in a third-world county. This year, we are partnered with the Rotary Club of Smyrna, among others, on a clean water project in the Dominican Republic

Our members are heavily focused on helping our Harris County neighbors who are unable to help themselves. We build handicap ramps for neighbors who would otherwise be housebound. We help pay for and deliver Thanksgiving meals to more than 400 local needy families. At Christmas, the Club adopts two families with children that cannot afford a normal Christmas. We buy and deliver everything on each family’s list. We also support the county’s volunteer fire departments by manning a rest stop on the Volunteer Fire Department’s fund raiser "Wheels Of Fire".

Monthly our Club honors a Harris County High School student. Students are selected for scholastic excellence and community service. The annual winner of our college scholarship award is chosen from Student Of The Month honorees.

Our Club's signature focus is childhood literacy. Our goal is the continually support the Ferst Foundation for Childhood Literacy. The foundation provides a new book to every Harris County child enrolled from birth to five years of age. Additionally every school year, our Club also provides a new dictionary to every third grade student in the Harris County School System.

An ongoing program since 1992, our Rotary Club members conduct story book reading monthly to the Harris County Schools elementary student during the school year.

Starting 2014, our club has been actively supporting the ongoing GED education program within Harris County. Members contribute their time to help GED students continue their education. They volunteer many hours to this program to educate all Harris County citizens.

Every year, the Club awards financial aid to a local high school student who has demonstrated academic excellence and high commitment to community service. The 2014 recipient received $2,000 in scholarship support.