GRSP Leadership Weekend Planning Session Tonight (Wednesday 10/27)

We are gearing up for one of our major undertakings of the Rotary year - the 2022 GRSP Leadership Conference! Join the Planning Committee tonight - Wednesday, October 27 at 7:00 pm via Zoom. Join in at https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89350291662?pwd=TURJY3E2eWdCRHRsUFJpWGVUbnROUT09 We expect about 43 international students from colleges and universities all over the state of Georgia to join us in Dunwoody over the Martin Luther King weekend (January 14-16) and would welcome the help of all Dunwoody Rotarians and members of our Family of Rotary. And there are more opportunities for you to participate ...

 Consider being a host family for the Leadership Weekend. This involves providing a place to sleep, breakfast and some transportation for Friday night through Sunday morning - generally for two of the international students.

We are asking that students provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within three days before the conference to attend, and that host parents be vaccinated.

Contact the Bardens if you'd like more information on the weekend.

Photo is from the last GRSP Leadership weekend ... in January 2020, just before COVID-19.

Posted by Ron Barden
October 13, 2021


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