First, let me send out a huge THANK YOU to the many D6900
members in attendance at one or more of the recent Zoom training sessions for
the 2023-2024 Community Grants. Some of
you attended all three sessions! It was
exciting to see so many attendees new to the grant process and wanting to learning
how to use grant funds to help make a difference in their local communities.
The May 15 deadline for the 2023-2024 Rotary year Community Grants applications is fast approaching. This deadline pertains to all grant types (standard, competitive, and collaborative grant requests). If you are unsure as to whether or not your club is eligible to apply, please contact me via email and I will confirm your club’s eligibility. Clubs not eligible were contacted via their 2022-2023 grant comment box and sent to all team members.
Grant request(s) for the 2023-2024 Rotary year must be accepted by the District no later than May 15. It is recommended that your grant request be submitted prior to May 15th so I can review and make any suggested changes that will aid in your grant being approved.
Be sure to review the application instructions on
the Community Grants page on our website prior to submitting your
grant request(s). The direct link is:
Yours In Rotary Service,
Gillian Leggett
2023-2024 Community Grants Chair
404.202.2409 (mobile)