Goals and Plans - Do They Matter?

PDG Mary Ligon - Z34 ARC and Membership Action Plan (MAP) Ambassador

Why bother with setting goals and developing plans?  Well, the research says:

  • 3x more likely to achieve your goals if written down compared to having no written plan.
  • Setting goals that are challenging but achievable lead to 90% better performance.
  • Deadlines improve the effectiveness of goals.
  • Presenting weekly progress reports of your goal increases your success rate by 40 percent.
  • 72% achieved goals when they wrote them downmade a plan and gave regular progress reports.

Does your club have a membership goal?  What about a plan?  Need help?  I am available to assist you however you feel would be helpful - understanding current reality, club program, brainstorming ideas, formulating a plan or sharing resources.  Contact me via email or phone to discuss more. 

Posted by Mary Ligon
July 26, 2023


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